Linga Longa Bike Park

Linga Longa Bike Park

Location: Balingup, Western Australia
Client: Linga Longa Bike Park
Date: 2017 - 2021

Construction of trails and earthworks at Western Australia’s premier private bike park.

Linga Longa Bike Park is Western Australia’s only privately owned mountain bike park open to the public (with riding restricted to events, public gravity days and private functions). Three Chillies Design has fostered a strong and enduring relationship with the Linga Longa Bike Park and have been engaged by the park to work on multiple projects.

Trail works at Linga Longa have included the construction of Boxer’s Blast, a double black flow jump line, with large tabletops and berms; Bryman’s Blues, a blue flow trail with a large rock drop and Apple Crumble, a fun, flowy green trail that can be enjoyed by riders of all levels. 

Linga Longa Bike Park also features an impressive skills park which includes four lines of progressive wooden drops, designed for building confidence before taking on the park’s larger drops. The drops and other wooden features were built and installed by a dedicated team of volunteers, with Three Chillies engaged to perform the earthworks for a small jump line and the drop landings. Three Chillies also completed the earthworks on the Skywalker jump line, which includes step ups, tabletops, and shark fins. The jump line features the famous wooden Skywalker drops, which were skillfully crafted by the park’s owners.